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Beth Abney
Kindergarten Instructional Aide
Email Beth Abney
Adam Acton
Building Trades CTE
Email Adam Acton
Alison Acton
Special Education Teacher
Email Alison Acton
Brianna Alexander
HR/Payroll Specialist
Email Brianna Alexander
Cindy Alward
Corporation Treasurer
Email Cindy Alward
Jenele Ashwill
Internship Coordinator
Email Jenele Ashwill
Marilyn Bailey
Fourth Grade Teacher
Email Marilyn Bailey
Cathy Baker
Spanish Teacher
Email Cathy Baker
Suzie Baldwin
English Teacher
Email Suzie Baldwin
Kameron Banes
Elementary Assistant Principal
Email Kameron Banes
Kayla Beavers
Second Grade Teacher
Email Kayla Beavers
Chealsie Beedle
Elementary Kitchen Staff
Email Chealsie Beedle
Sheena Blankenship
Administrative Assistant
Email Sheena Blankenship
Stacey Blankenship
Elementary Custodian
Email Stacey Blankenship
Kayla Blanton
Special Education Teacher
Email Kayla Blanton
Tiffany Bolin
Life Skills Instructional Aide
Email Tiffany Bolin
Susie Bolser
JH English Teacher
Email Susie Bolser
Kari Bowers
Title I Teacher
Email Kari Bowers
Megan Bowling
Life Skills Instructional Aide
Email Megan Bowling
Tiffany Bowling
Deputy Treasurer
Email Tiffany Bowling
Tyler Bowling
School Board Member
Email Tyler Bowling
Ashley Brown
Band Director
Email Ashley Brown
Julie Buckner
High School Custodian
Email Julie Buckner
April Bush
Kindergarten Instructional Aide/Bus Driver
Email April Bush
Duane Bush
Maintenance/Bus Driver
Email Duane Bush
Chelsey Campbell
ECA Treasurer
Email Chelsey Campbell
Dashawndra Carpenter
High School Kitchen Staff
Email Dashawndra Carpenter
Nancy Carr-Wright
Library Aide/Bus Driver
Email Nancy Carr-Wright
Jessica Carron
Kindergarten Teacher
Email Jessica Carron
Amber Carver
Math Interventionist
Email Amber Carver
Sara Castleberry
Elementary Kitchen Staff
Email Sara Castleberry
Beth Chezem
Custodial Facilitator/Technology Assistant
Email Beth Chezem
Dona Chiaffredo
Special Education Teacher
Email Dona Chiaffredo
Maris Clark
Math Teacher
Email Maris Clark
Michelle Clark
Elementary Custodian
Email Michelle Clark
Alan Clifton
Building Trades Assistant Instructor
Email Alan Clifton
Ariel Cummings
Childcare Worker
Email Ariel Cummings
Angie Daugherty
Transportation Director
Email Angie Daugherty
Josh Davenport
Executive Director of Projects and Operations
Email Josh Davenport
Claire Davis
Agriculture Teacher
Email Claire Davis
Danette Davis
Kindergarten Teacher
Email Danette Davis
Kathy Davis
ELL Teacher
Email Kathy Davis
Greg Dean
Driver's Education Teacher
Email Greg Dean
Jill Deel
Special Education Teacher
Email Jill Deel
Lucas Deel
Media Specialist
Email Lucas Deel
Kate DePugh
Special Education Instructional Aide
Email Kate DePugh
Meghan Doss
JH Math Teacher
Email Meghan Doss
Kim Dotson
Fourth Grade Teacher
Email Kim Dotson
Jill Duncan
School Board Secretary
Email Jill Duncan
Jacob Earl
JH Science Teacher
Email Jacob Earl
Linda Earl
Email Linda Earl
Heather Earls
Second Grade Teacher
Email Heather Earls
Christine Edgell
First Grade Instructional Aide
Email Christine Edgell
Madison Edwards
Life Skills Teacher
Email Madison Edwards
Trevor Eppert
Physical Education Teacher
Email Trevor Eppert
Katie Farthing
Music Teacher
Email Katie Farthing
Megan Fishero
Jr/Sr High School Nurse
Email Megan Fishero
Shelbi Fishero
Bus Driver
Email Shelbi Fishero
Josh Foxworthy
School Board Member
Email Josh Foxworthy
Rachel Foxworthy
Guidance Director
Email Rachel Foxworthy
Kelsie Frazee
Bus Driver
Email Kelsie Frazee
Mary Frazee
Special Education Teacher
Email Mary Frazee
Molly Frazee
Social Studies Teacher
Email Molly Frazee
Sue Frazee
Third Grade Teacher
Email Sue Frazee
Krystal Freed
Fifth Grade Instructional Aide
Email Krystal Freed
Lynsee Freed
Bus Driver
Email Lynsee Freed
Jill Fruits
ECE Teacher (Vocational)
Email Jill Fruits
Tim Garbison
Physical Education Teacher
Email Tim Garbison
Shelby Garrett
High School Kitchen Staff
Email Shelby Garrett
Ashlynn Geigle
First Grade Teacher
Email Ashlynn Geigle
Bryanne Gonzalez
Special Education Instructional Aide/Bus Driver
Email Bryanne Gonzalez
Noe Gonzalez
Math Teacher/Bus Driver
Email Noe Gonzalez
Jason Good
JH Assistant Principal/Activities Director
Email Jason Good
Lindsay Good
Coordinator of Curriculum, Assessment, Student Data, and Grant Management
Email Lindsay Good
Danielle Gookins
First Grade Teacher
Email Danielle Gookins
Mary Gregory
Art Teacher
Email Mary Gregory
Dr. Tania Grimes
Superintendent of Schools
Email Dr. Tania Grimes
Kayla Grubbs
Water Safety Instructor
Email Kayla Grubbs
Brooke Gulley
Special Education Teacher
Email Brooke Gulley
Natalie Gulley
Bus Driver
Email Natalie Gulley
Shelly Hands
Bus Driver
Email Shelly Hands
Scott Hannah
Fifth Grade Teacher
Email Scott Hannah
Wendy Hannan
Childcare Worker
Email Wendy Hannan
Barb Harrison
Special Education Instructional Aide
Email Barb Harrison
Makaela Hathaway
Fifth Grade Teacher
Email Makaela Hathaway
Natashia Hernandez
Kitchen Manager
Email Natashia Hernandez
Manelle Hesler
Lead Teacher/Mini Mustang Learning Academy
Email Manelle Hesler
Phil Hester
Bus Driver
Email Phil Hester
Tiffiny Hilge
Title I Teacher
Email Tiffiny Hilge
Abby Hoagland
Fourth Grade Teacher
Email Abby Hoagland
Casey Hoagland
Attendance Secretary
Email Casey Hoagland
Lisa Hoagland
JH Math Teacher
Email Lisa Hoagland
Tabitha Hoagland
Technology Assistant
Email Tabitha Hoagland
Lauren Holley
Kindergarten Teacher
Email Lauren Holley
Jeff Horlacher
JH Math Teacher
Email Jeff Horlacher
Kate Horlacher
First Grade Teacher
Email Kate Horlacher
Renee Howell
English Teacher
Email Renee Howell
Tamara Hughes
Speech Aide
Email Tamara Hughes
Kristi Jackson
Head Custodian
Email Kristi Jackson
Rick Keeling
High School Custodian
Email Rick Keeling
Tawnya Keith
Elementary Head Custodian
Email Tawnya Keith
Betsy Kerst
Email Betsy Kerst
David Kight
JH Social Studies Teacher
Email David Kight
Herb King
Social Studies Teacher
Email Herb King
Rebekah Koehn
First Grade Teacher
Email Rebekah Koehn
Cindy Krout
Third Grade Teacher
Email Cindy Krout
Katie Krout
Fourth Grade Instructional Aide
Email Katie Krout
Alyssa Larson
Math Teacher
Email Alyssa Larson
Abby Lawson
Secretary of Records
Email Abby Lawson
Dylon Lemont
JH English Teacher
Email Dylon Lemont
Melanie Lewellen
Elementary Custodian
Email Melanie Lewellen
Rachel Lewis
Art Teacher
Email Rachel Lewis
Debbie Lowe
High School Kitchen Staff
Email Debbie Lowe
Julie Lowe
Third/Fourth Grade Aide
Email Julie Lowe
Shelby Marshall
Fourth Grade Student Teacher
Email Shelby Marshall
Sara Martin
English Teacher
Email Sara Martin
Tracie McCollum
Third Grade Instructional Aide
Email Tracie McCollum
Qynn McCrory
Technology Director
Email Qynn McCrory
Ashley McKerlie
Special Education Teacher
Email Ashley McKerlie
Brenda McTaggert
Bus Driver
Email Brenda McTaggert
Scott Merryman
Email Scott Merryman
Gabriella Miller
Elementary Custodian
Email Gabriella Miller
Scott Minick
School Board President
Email Scott Minick
Tracie Minnick
Bus Driver
Email Tracie Minnick
Ashley Molenaar
Elementary Kitchen Staff
Email Ashley Molenaar
Kelli Morgan
Elementary Principal
Email Kelli Morgan
Michaela Muniz
Preschool Teacher
Email Michaela Muniz
Julie Musser
Elementary Custodian
Email Julie Musser
Tamara Olvera-Barradas
ELL Instructional Aide
Email Tamara Olvera-Barradas
Kierstin Oppy
Life Skills Instructional Aide
Email Kierstin Oppy
Lisa Parker
Preschool Instructional Aide
Email Lisa Parker
Kevin Payne
Maintenance/Bus Driver
Email Kevin Payne
Stephanie Perkins
Music Teacher
Email Stephanie Perkins
Desiree Peterson
Kindergarten Teacher
Email Desiree Peterson
Dottie Pettit
FACS Teacher
Email Dottie Pettit
Koby Pierce
Fourth Grade Teacher
Email Koby Pierce
Lindsey Pierle
ISS Instructional Aide
Email Lindsey Pierle
Kelley Pigg
Bus Driver
Email Kelley Pigg
Sharri Poston
Elementary Kitchen Staff
Email Sharri Poston
Tammy Pyle
Athletic Secretary/Bus Driver
Email Tammy Pyle
Chelsea Quickery
JH Science Teacher
Email Chelsea Quickery
Erin Rahm
Attendance Secretary
Email Erin Rahm
Scott Rainey
School Resource Officer (Elementary)
Email Scott Rainey
Kayla Ray
High School Kitchen Staff
Email Kayla Ray
Aubrey Riley
Bus Driver
Email Aubrey Riley
Debbie Robinson
ELL Instructional Aide
Email Debbie Robinson
Joni Sarver
Elementary Nurse
Email Joni Sarver
Henry Schmitt
Science Teacher
Email Henry Schmitt
Mandi See
Fifth Grade Teacher
Email Mandi See
Phil Shabi
High School Principal
Email Phil Shabi
Leighann Shropshire
Science Teacher
Email Leighann Shropshire
Jill Sillery
Speech Pathologist
Email Jill Sillery
Eugene Simmons
High School Custodian
Email Eugene Simmons
Ashley Simms
Second Grade Instructional Aide
Email Ashley Simms
Tara Sims
Guidance Counselor
Email Tara Sims
Grace Smith
Kindergarten/Special Education Aide
Email Grace Smith
Sierra Smith
Life Skills Instructional Aide
Email Sierra Smith
Dan Sowers
School Resource Officer (Jr High & High School)
Email Dan Sowers
Kim Sowers
School Board Vice President
Email Kim Sowers
Laura Spicer
Second Grade Teacher
Email Laura Spicer
Esteleen Spragg
First Grade Instructional Aide
Email Esteleen Spragg
Ashton Steinbrenner
Second Grade Teacher
Email Ashton Steinbrenner
Michaela Steinbrenner
Life Skills Instructional Aide
Email Michaela Steinbrenner
Alisa Stewart-Merryman
JH Social Studies Teacher
Email Alisa Stewart-Merryman
Frankie Swanson
Speech Pathologist
Email Frankie Swanson
Nikki Swisher
Physical Education Teacher
Email Nikki Swisher
Meghan Teal
Elementary Kitchen Staff
Email Meghan Teal
David Thomas
Bus Driver
Email David Thomas
Skyler Thomas
Special Education Instructional Aide
Email Skyler Thomas
Jason Thompson
Mechanic Director
Email Jason Thompson
Nicci Thompson
Second Grade Instructional Aide/Library Aide/Bus Driver
Email Nicci Thompson
Deb Voorhees
High School Kitchen Staff
Email Deb Voorhees
Donna Wallace
Email Donna Wallace
Elizabeth Walters
Special Education Instructional Aide
Email Elizabeth Walters
Emily Watson
Guidance Counselor
Email Emily Watson
Chris Webb
Math Teacher
Email Chris Webb
Lindsay Wildman
Third Grade Teacher
Email Lindsay Wildman
Christy Williams
Bus Driver
Email Christy Williams
Curtis Williams
Welding Instructor CTE
Email Curtis Williams
Tyler Willoughby
Business Teacher
Email Tyler Willoughby
Jake Wolfe
High School Assistant Principal
Email Jake Wolfe
Shelly Woodrow
Physical Education Teacher
Email Shelly Woodrow
Cheryl Yager
Guidance Secretary
Email Cheryl Yager
Brian York
Director of Maintenance/Bus Driver
Email Brian York
Angie Young
Fifth Grade Teacher/High Ability Coordinator
Email Angie Young